Thursday, June 24, 2010


Through the school year we have completed the following activities
1. Presentation of the project to the group involved, parents and teachers.
2. Presentation and information to management team and school board.
3. Comenius corner: Making a point of information about the project with photographs, advertisements and so on. The school community is regularly informed about all aspects of our activities.
4. Creating the project blog (
5. Placing information on the webpage of the school and the common project webpage managed by Germany ( and )
6. Trip to Downpatrick (Ireland) and Birmingham (England) for academic school year planning and coordination of activities.
7. Making of an initial content related assessment aimed at students in order to observe their progress achieved at the end.
8. Uploading a photo of the group of students to the website.
9. Placing information about the school in the website.
10. Placement of individual photographs of students in the website.
11. Self-registration of students on the website (creation of email addresses, etc.) (Classroom activity: Computers).
12. Placement in the website of students’ self-descriptions produced by themselves (name, age, family, town, friends, hobbies …) (English).
13. Information about the project published periodically in Mendeberri, our school magazine
14. Preparation of “Countries Questionnaires” that collect information from the vision of each partner of the other countries (History, English).
15. Production (design, recording, assembly and shipping for publication on the website) of a video with information about the environment, daily life and habits of students (Computers, English, History, Design).
16. Repetition of the “Countries Questionnaires” after viewing the videos of all countries on the web page trying to show the change of image produced. Sending the results to the other partners.
17. Launching the logo contest. As each partner, we have conducted an internal competition to select the best logo of the project. Subsequently we voted to select the best logo among all partners, being chosen the one presented by Germany. Placing information on this matter on the Comenius Corner and the Blog.
18. Sending pictures of the group of students working to Ireland for the creation of a Collage.
19. Classroom activity: analysis of the French Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen and the Bill of Rights of Virginia (History).
20. Classroom Activities: Human rights' history: background, classification, different generations of rights, analysis and study of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its current effect. Relationship between the development of Human Rights and the construction of Europe. (History).
21. Maintenance and periodical renewal of the Comenius Corner and the Blog.
22. Sporadic participation in the chat of the common website Common web page: chats, infromations.
23. Classroom activities: analysis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Ethics)
24. Classroom activities: work on the subject of homophobia. Creating tests or stories related to this issue. Publication of the best in the Blog of the project. (Sex Education for affective / Alternative to Religion).
25. Classroom activities: Collective reading and analysis through questionnaires and discussions of the book by Miguel Vazquez Freire "What About Human Rights".
26. Preparing for trip to Turkey: briefing with parents of students.
27. Making digital presentations by groups around the issue of human rights history (History, English and Computer Science).
28. Preparation of an exhibition of fundamental rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The students designed a series of panels that were exposed during the cultural week held at school in late March. (History, English, Computers). This activity was also extended to other groups at the same level (ethics) not directly involved in the project, but wanted to contribute.
29. Created bye ach student participant in a group of an essay or story about the general theme of "Equality and Human Rights" The the text was written in Spanish and the best were published in the Blog (Spanish Language).
30. Each student also wrote a poem, again on the general theme of "Equality and Human Rights." The poems were written in Euskera and the best published in the Blog (Basque Language).
31. Assessment Activities: In February we designed a questionnaire which was passed to all partners who answered it. The questionnaire assessed the progress of the project so far so that the coordinators and partners would try to correct any errors. A much broader survey was developed to conduct a thorough assessment at the meeting scheduled for April in Smyrna. Based on the answers and the prior debate in each school the final evaluation of progress was performed at this meeting and remedial action taken for the next academic year 2010-2011.
32. Travel (mobility) to Turkey: Four students and three teachers travelled in April to Turkey to participate in the meeting scheduled for end of term. Students from each participating school will submit a summary of the activities carried out throughout the year. Also participated in joint activities related to the project and planned for them on the days of the meeting (wall painting, excursions ...). The group of teachers made the assessment of project progress to date and sought ways to improve future. The lines for the next meeting in Lithuania were also designed.
33. Detection of points of inequality and violations of human rights in the community. The group of students developed a questionnaire that was subsequently passed by each of them through ten people in their environment. This questionnaire was to gather information to prepare a final report to send to other members.
34. Related with the same issue of identifying points of inequality or human rights violations in the community the students did an activity involving the search for information on NGOs working in some way on behalf of human rights, contacting and interviewing them and developing small reports on their activities Ethics).
35. Selection and comment by the students, some recent news in the press regarding the same issue of identifying points of inequality and violations of human rights in the community. (English).
36. Writing the brief final report "Analysis of Human Rights Situation in Our Own Community" to be sent to all partners. This report will be used as a starting point to begin work next year.


This is the report published by Mendeberri, our school magazine. Olatz Arizmendi is interviewed about the experience on the last trip to Izmir in Turkey. The magazine also publishes several different photos on the stay and activities of the group Izmir.

Mendeberri Aldizkarian agertutako informazioa dugu hau. Udaberriko alean Olatz Arizmendi elkarrizketatu zuten eta Turkiako bidaiaren argazki batzuk argitaratu zuten.

Esta es la información aparecida en la revista Mendeberri con diversas fotos y una entrevista a Olatz Arizmendi sobre el último viaje a Turquía.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


In the images we can see the latest news on travel to Izmir, as reflected in our Comenius Corner.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Detection of points of inequality and violations of human rights in the community. Search for information on NGOs

Groups of students conducted a series of small research on this issue by getting in touch with some NGOs. We can see some examples of this work that was developed in Ethics:

Egileak: Einar Galilea, Asier Landa, Itsaso Pascual eta Alazne Sainz
Gure ustez, independenteki eta bakoitzak bere interesak ziurtatzen duen gizarte batean, elkartasuna gero eta kaltetuagoan ikusten ari da. Hiritarren eskubideak egunero ari dira bortxatzen eta itsu dagoen gizarte hauek eta batez ere gazteriaren parte batek ez dute etorkizunarekiko kompromezua aurkezten. Badaude gobernuz kanpoko erakundeak. GKE hauen haien laguntza ematen dute inolako interes ekonomiko barik. Guk hautatutako GKE-k Gizarterako du izena eta prostituten eskubideak defendatzen dituzte. Prostitutek gizarteko sektore ahaztu eta eskubide gabekoak direla uste dugu. Ohikoena da herrialde pobreetara bidaltzen dituzten GKE-ak ezagutzea, oso la ona egiten dute, bizitzeko eta bizitza duin baterako denok dugulako eskubidea baina gure kasuan oso ezaguna ez den GKE bat aukeratzea aproposagoa iruditu zitzigun. Haiekin harremanetan jarri ginen eta euren lana eta funtzionamenduari buruz galdetu genien.-
-Chelo Ordejón: Gizarterako elkartearen zuzendaria:
Nortzuk zarete?
Gasteizen dagoen elkarte bat, prostituzio munduan lan egiten dugu, laguntzak ematen eta emagalduek gizartean berriro sartzeko inolako oztoporik gabe.
Nola sortzen da?
1985an pertsona talde bat sortzen da helburu jakin batekin: Gasteizko emagalduen egoera larria. Pixkanaka pixkanaka hasten dira hausnartzen eta ikasketak egiten gai honi buruz. Caritas elkartea laguntza ekonomikoa eman zuen eta horrela sortu ginen.
Zelako helburu jarraitzen ditu?
Helbururik garrantzitsuena emagalduen egoera hobetzea eta gizartean pertsonak bezala hartzea, bere eskubideekin eta guzti. Guztiok bezala, pertsonak dira, eta horrela ikustea nahi dugu. Gainera beraiekin hitz egiten dugu eta edozein gairi buruz informazioa ematen diegu, adibidez laguntza psikologikoa, osasunari buruz edo laguntza kulturala ere.
Horrez gain edozein tratu txar jasotzen badute, laguntzen diegu salatzen inolako oztoporik gabe
Emagalduek, non egiten dute lan Gasteizen?
Denetarik dago .. baina askok eta askok kalean egiten dute lan, nahiz eta arriskutsuena izan. Baita ere aurki ditzakegu jendea putetxetan edo etxebizitza askotan, bertan gela bakoitzean emakume bat egoten da, eta horrelako etxebizitzak edonon aurki ditzakegu.
Normalean kondoia jartzen dute?
Guri esaten digutenez, beraiek saiatzen dira, baina normalean bezeroek ez dute nahi, normalean ez dute jartzen diru pixka bat lortzeko.
Nola eta noiz eskatzen dute laguntza?
Gehienetan arazoetan daudenean etortzen dira gure bulegora. Eta nola? Ba ... batak besteari esaten dio, honek beste bati eta horrela pixkanaka pixkanaka emakume gero eta gehiago etortzen dira guregana.
Zerbait esan nahi duzu?
Bai, eskatu nahi nizueke emagalduei beste pertsona normal bat bezala tratatzea, horrelaxe delako, gehienetan pentsatzen da gu baino gutxiago direla eta ez, horrela ez da.Gainera eskertu nahi diet gure bazkideei, guzti hau ezinezkoa litzateke haien gabe, dirua eta laguntza asko ematen digulako. Horrez gain, laguntza eman nahi badiguzue, gurekin kontaktatu dezakezue. Aukera ezberdinak daude, adibidez 945 269 012 telefonoari deituz, gure bulegora etorriz (c/Cuchilleria, 94 Lonja, Vitoria-Gasteiz) edo niri email batbidaliz(
Eskerrik asko.
Beraz argi dago gure eskubideak lotzeko eta defendatzeko lan handia egin beharra dagoela baino bakoitzak bere aldetik jarrita lortu dezakegula uste dugu. Galdeketa hau egitea guri ere zer pentsatu eragin digu. Argi daukagu lan asko dagoela egiteko baina lehen esan dugun bezala, badago honen alde lan egiten dien jendea eta hauek merezi dute gure errespetua eta mirespena.

Gainera eskertu nahi diogu Chelo Ordejon-i bere portaera ezin hobea eta gurekin izan duen tratua.


Egileak: Natalia, Maitane, Olatz eta María

APDEMA adimen-ezintasuna duten pertsonen aldeko Arabako elkartea da.
APDEMA 1962an sortu zen eta gaur egun 1553 pertsonek osatzen dute. Guztiek egiten dute lan ezintasunak dituzten pertsonen defentsan eta beharrezko laguntzak eskaintzen dituzte ezinduei zeín hauen familiakoei, beraien bizi-kalitatea hobetzeko.
Horretarako, pertsona horien aukerak handitzeko, beharrezkoa den laguntza ematen dute, gizarte-inguru ezberdinetan, modu osatuagoan bizi, lan egin eta gizartean parte har dezaten.
Blanca Guzmanekin hitz egin dugu, bertako monitorea da eta hainbat galdera proposatu dizkiogu:
Zertan datza zure lana?
A VI programako monitorea naiz (bizitza independenterako laguntza). Programa hau pentsatuta dago ezintasun intelektuala duten pertsonentzat, baina autonomia apur batekin, hau da haiek bakarrik bizi dira.
Zertaz arduratzen da APDEMA?
Diskapazitate intelektuala duten pertsonei laguntza eskaintzen dion elkartea da.
Zein ekintza antolatzen dira?
Pertsonak laguntzen ditugu, independizatzeko eta bizitza normala eramaten saiatzeko, bai etxeko lanetan, lan bilaketan, erabaki pertsonalak hartzeko orduan eta bizitzaren veste hainbat aspektutan. Baina haiek dira bere bizitzaren jabe, eta guk bakarrik hori lortzeko laguntza ematen dugu.
Lan ordu asko dira?
Egunero 8 ordu egiten ditut lan, eta pertsonen beharren arabera hainbat alditan egiten diegu bisita astero. Gainera, gurekin komunikatzeko bafio zaien telefonoa daukate.
Ekintzak banakakoak ala taldekoak dira?
Bakoitza bere etxean bizi da eta bere ekintzak pertsonalak dira.
Eva Zoilorekin elkarrizketa izan dugu ere bai. Eva boluntarioa zen, eta orain bertan lan egiten duo
Zenbat urte daramatzazu APDEMAN?
8 urte eta erdi.
Nolakoa da lan egitea, zer jasotzen duzu beraiekin lan egitean?
Oso esperientzia ona da, uste duzu beraiei asko ematen ari zarela baina beraiengan gehiago jasotzen duzula konturatzen zara.
Gomendatuko zenuke bertara joatea lan egitera edo boluntario bezala?
Bai noski! Mundu guztia noizbait probatu beharko luke.
Sartzen den jendearentzako nolakoa da APDEMAn egotea?
APDEMAk 2 adar ditu. Batetik, aisia/dirako dena, neska-mutilak k/ubean egoten dira, pertsonak ezagutzen dituzte eta aktibitate ezberdinetara apuntatzen dira. Beste odarra beraien eguneroko bizitzarako da. Uda/ekuetara apuntatzen dira, monitore bo/untarioekin, eta hórre/a, beste pertsona batzuekin komunikatzen dira, eta gizartean sartzen dira.
Uste al duzu diskriminazio positibo nahikoa jasotzen dutela?
Ez, nire ustez inoiz ez da nahikoa.
Zer esan nahi du APDEMAk? Eta zuretzat?
Asociacion de ProDeficientes de Enfermedades Mentales de Álava. Niretzat? Nire bizitzako etaparik hoberenetakoa izan zen haiek laguntzeko bo/untarioa egin nintzenean.
Orain, giza eskubideen gaiarekin lotuz lortutako informazioa, hauei buruz hitz egingo dugu. APDEMAk laguntzen du, alde batetik, ezintasunak dituzten pertsonak berdintasunarekin tratatzera, izan ere, 2. Artikiluak dioenez, gizaki orori dagozkio eskubide guztiak, eta berdin du bere erlijioa, arraza, pentsaera politikoa, jaiotza mota, hizkuntza edo beste inolako gorabeherarik. Hortaz aparte, 25. Artikuluari dagokionez, pertsona orok du bizimodu egokia izateko eskubidea, eta APDEMAko kideek laguntzen dute ezinduen bizitzak hobetzeko, laguntza mota guztiak emanez. Beraz, APDEMAren betebeharren artean, ezintasunaren bat duten pertsonen eskubide batzuen bermatzea dago ere bai.

Egileak: Luken Vigo eta Endika Boo

ONCE Erakunde sozial eta demokratikoa da. Guztientzako zabalik, itsutasunarekin loturarik ez duten pertsona minusbaliatuekiko solidarioa, berdintasunaren aldekoa eta parte-hartzea sustatzen duen instituzio demokratikoa. Lan hori, Ekonomia eta Ogasun ministerioaren, Lana eta Gizarte Gaietako ministerioaren, eta Barne ministerioaren bitartez, Administrazioarekin batera egiten duo
-Zergatik sortu zenuten ONCE?
ONCE sortzeko arrazoi nagusia, ikusteko urritasuna duten pertsonei lan duina ematea izan zen. Beranduago, eta lehen helburu hori erabat lortuta, gaur egungo filosofia nagusia, lanerako okupazio horí mantentzeko, erakundearen ea 70.000 afiliaturi zerbitzu espezializatuak ematea da.
-Zein da ONCEren helburua?
Edozein minusbalia eta gehien bat ikusmen-urritasuna duten Espainia osoko pertsonen bizi-kalitatea hobetzea.
-Nola lortzen duzue itsuen bizi kalitatea hobetzea?
Bizi normal bat eramaten. Lana ematen diegu ONCEko Kupoien eta beste hainbat zorizko jokoen salmentan. Hala ere, ondo prestatutako profesional itsu asko daude bestelako lanak egiteko: abokatuak, ekonomilariak, psikologoak, informazio¬ sistemetako teknikariak eta abar. Hauek, euren balioa erakusteko aukera bilatzen dute.ONCEk Lanbide Heziketan hartzen du parte, Telefonia eta Telemarketing, Estenotipia informatizatua eta Sare informatikoen kudeaketa bezalako modulu espezifikoak ematen. Bestalde, informatikako ekipoak aztertu, prestatu, eta birziklatu eta egokitzeko bekak eta laguntzak ematen ditu.
-Itsuaren bizitza oso zaila izan behar da,nola laguntzen diezue bizitza errazagoa izaten?
Orientasuna eta mugikortasuna hobetzeko ONCEren errehabilitazio teknikariek makila zuria eta gida txakurra erabiltzen eta orientatu eta mugitzeko hainbat estrategia irakasten dituzte, hirian barrena ibiltzea, garraio publikoa erabiltzea eta egunerokotasunean hamaika jarduera burutzea, hauek arazo gaindiezin bihur ez daitezen edo hirugarren laguntza behar ez izateko.
-Zergatik hainbat itsu gida txakurra aukeratzen dute?
Batzuek gida-txakur baten laguntza aukeratzen dute autonomoak izateko. ONCEk txakurrak trebatzen ditu. Era berean, txakurraren errendimendu hobea Iortzeko, itsuari hainbat teknika irakasten dizkio. Gaur egun gizarteak orokorrean gida-txakurra onartu eta miretsi egiten du, eta lokaletan eta garraio publikoan ibiltzeko legearen babesa dute.

Monday, June 21, 2010


In September we filled a questionnaire on knowledge of our partners. We returned to complete it in early 2010and after the first contacts and viewing the videos they did, some of our views had changed.

Report: What the pupils from Mendebaldea have known about their partners, after finishing the first part of the project in February 2010.

They thought Lithuanians were brown or blond-haired, blue-eyed, fair-skinned and tall. Now they have confirmed these previous ideas and they have also known that they are friendly and good people. The famous Lithuanians they keep knowing are basketball players. They also mention some dishes they have learnt such as saltibarsciai or cepelinai. And, of course, they have learnt that the most important faith in Lithuania is Catholicism and the national sport is Basketball.

They thought Irish people were blond-haired or red-haired, blue-eyed, fair-skinned and friendly. They have corroborated this idea and now they also know that Irish are funny, nice, good and young! As at the beginning, they know some famous Irish celebrities, but there is no one standing out from the others, with the exception of Colin Farrell. There is nothing new about food or sports (except for the mention of horse-riding). Finally, they have learnt that our Irish partners are Catholic.

They know nothing new about Polish people

They thought Germans were fair-skinned, fair-haired, and tall. This perception has not changed, but now they also believe they are funny people. Clearly, the most known person now is Angela Merkel. They associated German food mostly with sausages, but now they have learned about kartoffelsalat. It’s not very clear for them if Germans are Catholic or Protestant. But what they know for sure is that the most popular sport is football.

It has turned out that Turkish people are less dark than they had supposed. They find them friendly, happy and good people. There have not been any changes in their perception about food (donner kebab), celebrities or religion. But there are some changes about sports: at the beginning they mentioned only football and basketball, and now they can talk about a wide range of sports (swimming, volleyball, windsurfs…)

And finally they have learnt that in England all people do not look like the same; in fact, there are many different appearances and, surprisingly, a lot of people are dark-haired. Now they know that there are diverse religions in England (Christians, Muslims…). However, they have not changed their perception about famous people (they mention a lot of different celebrities but none of them stands out from the rest). Neither about food (being fish and chips most mentioned) or sports. They think that they are good students and good people. Some of them believe that they are serious and others that they are funny people.