Monday, November 2, 2009

Horrela hasi ginen / Así empezamos

2009.urtean bildu ginen Mendebaldea Ikastetxean proiektua diseinatu eta aurkezteko. Hau ez zen lehenengo kontaktua izan. Bai emailez, bai telefonoz, aurreko urtean ere harremanetan jarri ginen Europako eskola askorekin. Azkenean zazpi eskola geratu ginen eta ekimena bideratzeko bisitan(preparatory visit), alboko argazkietan ikusten den bezala, bildu ginen.

2009 / ENERO
A principios del año 2009, nos reunimos en el Mendebaldea BHI para diseñar y posteriormente presentar el proyecto. No fue este nuestro primer contacto. Durante todo el año anterior, tanto por correo electrónico como por teléfono, mantuvimos contactos con multitud de centros europeos. Finalmente, siete centros de diferentes países decidimos participar conjuntamente y, como se puede ver en las fotografías, nos reunimos en nuestro centro en una 'visita preparatoria' para redactar el proyecto.

Sunday, November 1, 2009



This is a project about equality and tolerance as essential values in European culture and community. The goal is to raise the pupils’ awareness of all kinds of inequality and develop, working in a creative and innovative way, concerning attitudes towards the issue as well as the reinforcement of the European Citizenship and values.

The topic lies on the analysis of different aspects: human rights and equality, equal races, equal opportunities for every social background or religion; equality for all political projects, gender equality…

The project will be developed by a target group of 15-17 year olds from 2009 to 2011, being in charge of the concrete design of the activities and its practice.

Schools will carry out a range of activities, such as the ones meant to know each other, those aimed to create a suitable atmosphere and approximation to the topic, a research on those aspects of the subject which are closest to their own realities…

Communication among partners will be kept by means of ICT devices, e-mailing and periodical meetings.
Final outcomes will be reflected on the BLOG, website, magazines, brochure, videos, common collage and a publication collecting the most important aspects of the experience.