Maiatzaren 3tik 7era eskola guztietako ordezkariak, ikasle eta irakasleak, bilduko gara berriro. Topaketa Lodzen, Polonian izango da. Gure azken bilera da eta bertan orain arte egindako guztia ebaluatu eta birpasatuko dugu. Aldi berean egindako azken lanak aurkeztuko ditugu.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Excursion to Oldenburg and Bremenhaven
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Meeting in Friesoythe (Germany)
From 13 to April 16, delegations from all partners held a meeting in the Berufsbildende Schulen Friesoythe in Germany. Our delegation consisted of ten students and two teachers. Teachers and students and families from the host German school did a great job so everything was ready and came out perfect. Students were housed with families of their German mates. Thanks to all of them, students, teachers and families for their warm welcome.
The busy schedule of meetings have time for everything: a beautiful presentation ceremony, presentation of the summary of activities undertaken by students during this school year, evaluation of activities and the design of the last stage of the school year and next meeting in Poland, a treasure hunt to discover the town of Friesoythe, excursion trip to Oldenburg and Bremenhaven, where we visited the famous museum of emigration… The last day we even had an opportunity of visiting Bremen in full carnival. Quite a spectacle of colour!
Eskerrik Asko / Gracias /Thanks
Sarrera honen bitartez lehiaketan parte hartu duten guztiei eskerrak eman nahi dizkiegu. Ester mila Fran Arteagari, Alazne Garciari, Lourdes Ochoa eta beste kolaboratzaile batzuei. Eta jakina, esker berezia Enrique Martini eta Canvio de Lucesi, gure sustatzaileei
Mediante esta pequeña entrada queremos dar las gracias a todos cuantos han participado en el concurso. Gracias también a Fran Arteaga, Alazne García Lourdes Ochoa y otros colaboradores. Y por supuesto un muy especial agradecimiento para nuestros patrocinadores Enrique Martín y Canvio de Luces.
Through this short entry we want to thank all participants in the contest. Also want to thank Fran Urteaga, Alazne Garcia, Lourdes Ochoa and everyone who has collaborated. And, of course, a very special thanks to our sponsors, Enrique Martin and Canvio de Luces.
Students' projects february 2011: INTERVIEWS
Students made some team work doing a research on one of the following topics and their relationship with equality: gender, social backgroud and education, disabled people and freedom of speech. A part of the research consisted of interviewing people who could inform them of the reality. Some of the interviews are transcribed below.
The group in charge of freedom of speech and equality interviewed Maite Elizondo who works in a social organization. The second one is the interview with the headmistress of Mendebaldea High School from Vitoria-Gasteiz. Another group, who dealt with the topic of social background, education and equality, interviewed Carmen Gonzalez, who is the headmistress of Mendebaldea High School and Ana Fernández de Betono, who works in a training and innovation center for teachers.
1.- What is “Lokarri”?
“Lokarri” is a social organization which fights for the dialogue and the political negotiation in the Basque Country.
2.- What do you want to get with your work?
We want to solve the Basque conflict by peacefully means.
3.- Why did you think that to create this kind of organization was necessary?
Because there wasn`t any kind of negotiation between the government and the nationalist left (izquierda abertzalea).
4.- What kind of problem have you had during the years you have been working in “Lokarri”?
We`ve had some problems because the situation in the Basque Country is complicated. There are some political parties which refuse to meet and speak with other parties, because they think that the only alternative to solve the conflict is to defeat ETA militarily.
5.- Do some kind of issues must be treated more carefully?
Yes, the diplomacy is essential because there are some people who don`t want to participate.
6.- In which situations can we see that the social and political situation is not good?
In the gun violence (ETA), in the outlawing of some political parties and organization, in the censorship of some media (“Egunkaria” newspaper), in the tremendous divide between parties, in the existence of victims. There isn´t democratic coexistence.
7.- What must be done to improve this situation?
We want them to lay down the weapons, to legalize the parties, to ensure the freedom of speech, to reach a minimum agreements of coexistence, negotiate with ETA the issue of political prisoners, and to approach the prisioners to the Basque Country.
8.- What do you think about the freedom of speech?
They mustn`t set limits. All the political parties and all the ideologies deserve the freedom of speech. If we think that some organizations or parties violate the human rights, we must do something to defeat that, but never to forbid.
9.- Do you think that the censorship is viable?
Never. If we use the censorship, everyone could use it for their interest, and in a democratic coexistence there is no place for the censorship.
10.- Do you think that they must accept the Basque Country`s independence?
We don`t speak about the solution. But the citizens have the right to decide and they must do a referendum.
11.- Nowadays which political party does best reflect your ideology?
Anyone. In “Lokarri” there are people from different political parties, and no one knows whom you vote.
-CONCLUSION: Lokarri is a organization which fights for the conservation of human rights (in this case of the freedom of speech) in the Basque Country. It wants to solve the conflict by peacefully means.
By: Alazne Sainz and Alejandra Codesal.
She has answered very friendly to our questions, but it´s important to say that in Mendebaldea the students who are from another country have been there since their chillhood or are adopted childs who have grown going to schools in D model, because their fathers ( in the two cases ) have decided that they should study in D model.
- In this school, how do you try to help immigrants integrating ?
There aren´t many immigrants in our school, and the immigrants who are there have been in our country since their chillhood and some of them are adopted, so there aren´t problems to their integration.
- Are there differences between the way of dressing, the way of behaving and the economic capacity of the people who has been born here and of the immigrants ?
No so much, the are integrated and they behave like people from here. They have a normal behaveour and dressing, like people from here.
- What percentage of the immigrants come to Mendebaldea ?
To this school don´t come a lot of immigrants, only five or six, because it´s a D model school (all subjects in Basque language), and if they haven´t studied Basque language before it´s very difficult.
- Have the immigrants any idea of our language when they come, or they haven´t any idea ?
It depends of the family, but usually they know our language because they have studied in D model.
- Try they to learn Basque language or having a good level of Spanish, or they only try to have the basic level ?
It depends of the families, and of the need of the students or their families.
-It takes more efford to immigrants to achieve a good level of Basque language than to us ?
No in this school, because the inmigrants who come here have sudied in Basque language before. But it may be more difficult to students in other schools because they aren´t here since they are childs.
- Is more difficult for the immigrants to achieve a good econmical situation than for the people how are from here ?
They may have poblems to find a job, and more when we are I crisis. They may have less possibilities because they usually come without anything to the Basque Country.
- The background of the family of the student ( to be from here or from other country ), the educational level or the social- economiccal level have any effect ?
Yes, the language may be the topic which has more effect, and in the case of the people from here too, because if we don´t speak usually in the idiom which in we are studiyng, it´s difficult to get a good level.
- In your opinion what type of effect can have in the education and the possibilities of the choosen of the student the mother language, the and/or the language that he/she chooses at schoool ?
If they study in D model they can have great oportunities, because knowing Basque language it´s important in the Basque Country to find a good job.
Anemiren 1.B
Hello Anemiren, sorry for been late. I hope it isn´t so late. ( The questions are which are in black and the answers which are in blue ).
- What do you do in your institution ?
Berritzegunea is a centre to help teachers in the Trainning and the Innovation of the Education.
- Are there differences between the way of dressing, the way of behaving and the economic capacity of the people who has been born here and of the immigrants ?
Yes, normally there are deifferences.
- Is more difficult for the immigrants to achieve a good econmical situation than for the people how are from here ?
Yes, usually, the immigrants come from a country were the economical situation is very bad, and they haven´t so much possibilities to get a good economical level. Because of that they come here ( in he most cases ), and they have to work a lot to get a good economical situation because they come here without anything.
- Do immigrants know our language when they come here or they haven´t any idea ?
Usually, they don´t speak in Basque language, but some of them can speak Spanish.
- Do the immigrants try to learn Basque language or having a good level of Spanish, or they only worry about knowing the bassic ?
There are a lot of cases, but in th beginning they only try to learn the bassic, because it´s difficult for them and they haven´t a lot of time to learn well the idiom. This is because they have to try to find a job as fast as they can.
- What percentage of the immigrants who come here try to learn Basque language or during their stay here ) ?
- The background of the family of the student ( to be from here or from other country ), the educational level or the social- economical level have any effect ?
Yes, any of them can have an effect.
- In your opinion what type of effect can have in the education and the possibilities of the choosen of the student the mother language, the and/or the language that he/she chooses at schoool ?
In my opinion, the mother language has a lot of effect in the possibilities of the choosen of the student.
Bye, Ana.
We have sent this message to Ana Fernández to know how immigrants integrate in our society, which sometimes is very different from their society. She has answered our questions friendly, and they show that immigrants usually worry about learning Spanish, but they have also problems to get a good economical level and there are a lot of differences between us and them, differences that we have to solve if we can.
Finally, it is necessary to say that she works for an association that tries to help teachers in Trainning and Educational Innovation.
Anemiren Pancorbo Nuin 1.B
Students' projects february 2011: PRESENTATIONS
Students' projects february 2011: NEWS COMMENTS
In recent months the students participating in the project worked their items in groups. Part of the research for each group consisted of analyzing the news appeared on the newspapers which had connection to their topics. Therefore they had to read the news, mention the newspaper and date of appearance , translate them and make comments. These are some of the results.
Gender discrimination in the news 1
Gender discrimination in the news 2
Background and discrimination in the news