Sunday, October 31, 2010

Visit to Lithuanian Parliament

On Wednesday October 6, the various delegations of our project visited the Lithuanian parliament. During this visit we had the opportunity to meet with the professor Ausrine Paviloniene, Member of Parliament and renowned human rights advocate in her country. The discussion we had on “Human Rights in Lithuania” was really a very interesting one and led to one of the highlights of our visit to Vilnius and Lithuania.

We would like to use this short report to thank our colleagues of Jonas Jablonskis Gymansium for organizing this visit and, of course Ausrine Paviloniene for her time.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Visit to Kaunas (Lithuania)

Ačiū Kauno

Visit to Kaunas (Lithuania)

As announced in our previous post from 5th to 8th October we went to the first meeting of the school year which was held in Kaunas (Lithuania). Our fellows of Jonas Jablonskis Gymnasium made sure that everything was perfectly organized.
At the meeting, apart from evaluating again what has been done so far, we planned the activities for the current school year and upcoming meetings in Frisoythe (Germany) and Lodz (Poland). Also, we decided to work on the most repeated issues raised in the research done last year. Therefore, we will focus our activities on these issues in the coming months
1. Social background and the inequalities in education
2. Disabled issues (Mentally and physically: are they accepted by society in everyday life?
3. Gender discrimination – is this found in every part of society?
4. Should we all have the freedom of speech? ( e.g. should there be respect for all political ideas)

Kaunasko bisitaldia (Lituania

Aurreko sarreran berri ematen genuenez, urriaren 5etik 8ra ikasturte honetako lehenengo bilerara joan ginen. Mitina Kaunasen (Lituanian) egin zen. Jonas Jablonskis Gymnasiumeko kideek ezin hobeki antolatu zuten dena.
Mitinean, orain arte egindakoa ebaluatzeaz gain, ikasturteko jarduerak eta hurrengo mitinak, Frisoythen (Alemania) y Lodzen (Polonian), planifikatu genituen. Bestalde, aurtengo kurtsoan zehar iazko ikasturteko lanetan gehien errepikatzen ziren gaietan zentratuko gara;
1. Social background and the inequalities in education
2. Disabled issues (Mentally and physically: are they accepted by society in everyday life?
3. Gender discrimination – is this found in every part of society?
4. Should we all have the freedom of speech? ( e.g. should there be respect for all political ideas)

Visita a Kaunas (Lituania)

Como ya anunciábamos en nuestra entrada anterior, los días 5 al 8 de octubre acudimos a la primera reunión del curso que se celebró en Kaunas (Lituania). Nuestros compañeros del Jonas Jablonskis Gymnasium se ocuparon de que todo estuviese perfectamente organizado.
En el meeting, además de volver a evaluar lo realizado hasta ahora, se planificaron las actividades para el curso y las próximas reuniones en Frisoythe (Alemania) y Lodz (Polonia). Se decidió así mismo, trabajar durante el curso sobre cuatro de los temas que más se repitieron en las investigaciones del curso pasado, y sobre los que centraremos nuestra actividad en el presente curso:
1. Social background and the inequalities in education
2. Disabled issues (Mentally and physically: are they accepted by society in everyday life?
3. Gender discrimination – is this found in every part of society?
4. Should we all have the freedom of speech? ( e.g. should there be respect for all political ideas)

Nor zen Jonas Jablonskis?

Nor zen Jonas Jablonskis?
Jonas Jablonskis gure proiektu kide lituaniarren ikastetxearen izena da. Baina, nor zen Jonas Jablonskis?

Hizkuntzalari lituaniar oso ospetsua izan zen. Kaunasen hil zen 1930. urtean 70 urte zituela eta lituaniera modernoaren aitatzat hartzen dute askok. Ikastetxearen esparruan, bere etxea kontserbatzen da eta museo bat da gaur egun.

Gogora dezakegu Lituaniera Baltiko Itsasoaren ondoan hitz egiten ziren hizkuntza zaharren aztarna dela. Gaur egun Letoniera eta Lituaniera dira bizirik mantentzen diren bakarrak.